Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
Derbyshire Wirldlife Trust's main aim is to help create 'a living landscape rich in wildlife, valued by everyone in Derbyshire'.
The People and Wildlife team works with schools to build on this philosophy by encouraging children to appreciate and protect wildlife in their school, in their community and in their own garden. In particular the Trust aims to:
Encourage children to have an appreciation of their natural environment;
Allow children to learn in different exciting ways;
Promote an awareness of local and global environmental issues;
Provide opportunities to be actively involved in conservation work.
The Trust have a number of centres offering educational services to schools and can also help support work in your own school grounds. Further information is available by contacting the Trust to the right, but here are some examples of things they can offer.
Wildlife Watch is a club for those up to the age of 16 and promotes practical ways for children to discover and learn about the natural world. Click on the image (left) to download a PDF explaining
The Schools Activity Programme details what the Trust can offer at its different centres and reserves as well as in your own school. you can download a PDF of the proramme by clicking on the image (left) and below is a snapshot of the range of activities they can provide.
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
East Mill
Bridge Foot
DE56 1XH
Tel: 01773 881188
Fax: 01773 821826